>> English
>> 転送設定の説明
2.教務システムCampusPlan について
?教務システム CampusPlanについての説明はこちらです。
?オンライン授業の連絡や課題提出などに使うソフトウェアツールは、Google Classroom です。Google Classroomへの接続方法、参加方法について、確認しておいてください。
?Google Classroomには、大学発行の「藝大メールアカウント(Gmail)」でのみログイン可能です。他のGoogleアカウントではログインできません。(研究生?科目等履修生等の非正規生も藝大アカウントによりGoogle Classroomに参加可能です。)
>> 学生向けGoogle Class Room
オンライン講義の時間割表に相当する学科ごとのクラスコード (Classroomへの参加に必要な識別番号)をまとめて、教務システム(Campus?Plan)内に掲示してありますので、ログインしてご覧ください(詳細はこちら)。随時更新されますので確認してください。
>> Web履修申請マニュアル
>> シラバスとコース?ナンバリング
>> カリキュラム
>> 時間割
美術学部教務係 bijutsu.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp
音楽学部教務係 music.edu-affairs@ml.geidai.ac.jp
映像研究科教務係 eizo.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp
国際芸術創造研究科教務係 kyomu.senju@ml.geidai.ac.jp
?学生生活全般の情報 >> 2022年度版 学生便覧
To All Students,
Please find below information regarding classes for Semester Ⅱ of the 2022 academic year.
1.University notifications and your Geidai account
?In the event of an emergency or change in our policy or schedule, we will post information on the official university website and send notification to your Geidai email address (the email address for the Geidai account issued by the University). Please make sure you are able to frequently check emails received at this address.
?For more information on your Geidai account, click here.
?You can configure your Geidai account to forward emails to your main email account.
>> How to forward emails to another account
2. Academic Support System (CampusPlan)
?CampusPlan is a web system for all faculties and graduate schools through which students can register for courses(only for regular students), search for syllabi, view courses taken and academic records, etc. Your Geidai account ID and password are required to access the system.
?For more information on the Academic Support System (CampusPlan), click here.
?CampusPlan maintains records of your personal information, such as your address, contact information, and status of your subscription to the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai). If there are changes to your address, phone number, or other contact information, please follow the procedures here.
<Classes for Semester Ⅱ AY2022>
– Semester Ⅱ AY2022 starts on Monday, October 3rd. Please refer to the academic calendar for class schedules.
*Please check the academic calendar for your faculty or graduate program in addition to the common academic calendar.
– Classes for Semester Ⅱ of AY2022 will be held as follows.
Please check here for the lesson policy of the Faculty of Music and the Graduate School of Music.
– The following summarizes how to take online classes.
1. Preparation and procedures
?Google Classroom is a platform for providing information on online classes and submitting assignments. Please check in advance how to access and join Google Classroom.
?You can log in with your Geidai account (Gmail) issued by the University. There is no need to create a new Google account. Non-regular students (research students and non-degree students) can also join Google Classroom using their Geidai account.
>> Classroom Help (Join a class as a student)
>> How to join Google Classroom
2. Google Classroom Codes
?A list of class codes/timetables for online classes is posted on the Academic Support System (CampusPlan). Class codes are identification numbers necessary for joining Google Classrooms. You need to log in to access the list (For more information, click here). The list will be updated as necessary, so please check regularly.?????????????
3.Equipment for online classes
When you need to borrow equipment for online classes, please follow the instructions given by your faculty or graduate school.
* Equipment rental is not available at the Faculty of Music and Graduate School of Music.
– Course registration (only for regular students)
1. Please refer to the academic calendar for course registration periods.
Note: Please strictly observe the designated registration periods. Registrations cannot be accepted outside the periods.
2. Please use the Academic Support System (CampusPlan) for course registration, verification of academic records, and confirmation of tasks in class and other class-related information.
Please check the link below on how to register for courses on CampusPlan.
>> Online Course Registration Manual
Information on class subjects can be accessed from the syllabus function on CampusPlan.
>> Syllabus and course numbering
Curriculums and class timetables are available on the University website as follows.
>> Curriculum
>> Timetable
3. For other class-related matters, please follow the instructions given by your faculty or graduate school.
Faculty and graduate program contact information:
Faculty of Fine Arts ??????????????? ??????bijutsu.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp
Faculty of Music??????????????????? ??????music.edu-affairs@ml.geidai.ac.jp
Graduate School of Film and New Media? ? ?eizo.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp
Graduate School of Global Arts ??????????????? ????? kyomu.senju@ml.geidai.ac.jp