東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 藝大アートプラザ 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ

极速体育直播,足球比分直播4年度後期の学生生活等における注意事項について/ COVID-19 Precautions for Semester Ⅱ, AY2022

2022年10月05日 | 全て, 学生生活

>> English



1 大学での学生生活や日常生活における感染防止対策









  • 発熱(目安として体温37.5度以上)又は平熱よりおおむね1度高い体温の方、風邪等の症状のある方体調不良を自覚する方の入店はご遠慮ください(大学への入構も認めていません)。
  • 本学学生、本学教職員、学内店舗事業者を除き、利用はお断りいたします。
  • 注文の前に手を石鹸で洗うか消毒してください。
  • 列になる場合は前後1.5m程度空けて並んでください。その際、前後の方と会話はなさらないでください。
  •  藝大食樂部の料理以外の「(コンビニなどの)弁当、キッチンカーの料理」は、藝大食樂部内では食事しないようご協力願います。学内で、食事等に利用できる開放スペース(講義室?大学会館1階食堂など)を用意していますので、そちらをご利用ください(距離間、会話、換気に留意してください)。
  • 楽器などの荷物はテーブルに置くことはできません。大きな荷物はなるべく持たずにお入りください。
  •  座席には番号シールが貼ってありますので、ご自分の座席番号を(食事した日時とともに)メモしておいてください。
  •  テーブル?椅子の位置は動かさずにご利用ください。(人と人の距離を意識的に保ってください。)
  •  使用していないテーブルや椅子を動かして座席を作らないでください。
  •  会話は小声で短時間としてください。
  •  パソコン作業、勉強、読書、歓談などの食事以外のことで藝大食樂部を利用しないでください。
  •  食事終了後は速やかにご退出願います。
  •  弁当等の持参について






〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

COVID-19 Precautions for Semester Ⅱ, AY2022

To All Students,

The following is a summary of the university’s COVID-19 Precautions for SemesterⅡ, AY2022. In addition to this page, please read: 【To Students】The action guidelines and report form for COVID-19. The university’s response may change based on the Japanese government’s latest basic response policy. So, please also check the university’s response guidelines, which are reviewed and updated in accordance with changes in the situation.

1 Measures to prevent infections on campus and in daily life

(1) Careful handwashing, temperature checks and health management
Check your temperature e every morning regardless of whether or not you are attending class, and make sure you are feeling well for the day.
If you have a fever, do not come to school, and report to the University. For more information, please refer to “【To Students】The action guidelines and report form for COVID-19” on the university’s website. In order to maintain good health, it is important to get enough sleep and nutrition to prevent your immune system from being weakened. Also, always wash your hands with soap and water, and disinfect your hands with alcohol, not only before entering school or during breaks, but also in your daily life.
※Alcohol disinfectant is available at each building entrance on campus.

(2) Scan your student ID card with card readers at the time of entry and exit
When entering and leaving the campus, please scan your student ID card on the card readers at the guard stations in the Ueno Campus or at the designated location in other campuses.
We ask for your cooperation so that we can respond quickly to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus and protect your safety.
At the Ueno Campus, please be sure to scan your student ID card each time you enter and leave the Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Music campuses.
※Please keep your distance from others and avoid crowding around the card readers.

(3) Use of masks when talking in close proximity to others
Bring your own mask and wear it at all times, except in cases when it is not possible to wear it due to the course content.
In particular, always wear masks in classes where discussions are held in close range to avoid droplets.
※Non-woven polypropylene masks are most effective in preventing the spread of droplets. Polyurethane masks and cloth masks are not recommended for this purpose as they are less effective.

(4) Complete ventilation
In lecture rooms, studios, lesson rooms, etc., turn on the ventilation fans to avoid airtight spaces and provide frequent ventilation even during classes.
For example, please open two windows at the same time, or open both the window and the door to the corridor at least once every 30 minutes during classes to ensure thorough ventilation.
If you use air conditioners, please ensure that the air is properly ventilated.
※Each lecture room, studio, lesson room, and laboratory has been measured for proper ventilation, and the number of students who can be accommodated has been communicated to each faculty member.

(5) After classes
After attending in-person or online classes on campus, students should return home as soon as possible to prevent the spread of infection.


2  Cafeteria rules during lunchtime

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the two school cafeterias on the Ueno Campus have reduced the number of seats.
GEIDAI CLUB: from 130 to 72

You need to wait outside when these seats are taken.
Please follow the following rules when using the cafeterias.

(1) Please do not enter the cafeterias if you have any of the following symptoms: fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, body temperature about 1 degree higher than usual, symptoms of flu, or poor health (campus entry not permitted with these symptoms.

(2) Only Tokyo Geidai students, faculty and staff members, and on-campus shop employees are allowed to use the cafeterias.

(3) Wash or sanitize your hands before ordering.

(4) When waiting in line, keep 1.5 meters apart and do not talk with those around you.

(5) Do not eat takeout foods brought from convenience stores or food trucks in GEIDAI-CLUB. You can eat them in designated areas, such as classrooms and the cafeteria on the 1st floor of the University Hall.

(6) Do not place musical instruments or other baggage on tables. (In GEIDAI CLUB, there are no tables for large items.) Please avoid bringing large items.

(7) All seats are numbered. Please keep a record of your seat number along with the date and time.

(8) Do not move tables or chairs from the original positions. (Maintain social distance.)

(9) Do not use or move unused tables and chairs.

(10) Please refrain from talking loudly or for long periods of time.

(11) Activities other than eating are prohibited in GEIDAI-CLUB. This includes working on computers, studying, reading and chatting.

(12) Please leave promptly after finishing your meal.

(13) To avoid crowding in GEIDAI-CLUB, please consider bringing your own food and eating it in the designated areas (such as classrooms the cafeteria on the 1st floor of the University Hall). (Maintain social distance, be careful when talking, and ventilate the space.)

※For Geidai Shokudo on the Toride Campus, follow the local rules.
※Avoid crowding around food trucks on campus and refrain from speaking without wearing a mask, or while eating or drinking.


3 Student clubs and other extracurricular activities

At this time, activities on campus will only be allowed if permitted under the guidelines set by the university. Please check the university’s infectious disease response guidelines (COVID-19 alert levels).

4 What to do when infection is suspected

If you suspect COVID-19 infection, follow “【To Students】The action guidelines and report form for COVID-19”.

5 Consultation Services

There are a number of offices for consultation at the University. Please see this list of contacts (in Japanese) or the Student Handbook 2022 (in English) for details.


Student Affairs Division
12-8 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 1108714